We are pleased to inform the faithful of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia, as well as the friends of our local Church and the Greek Community of Australia, who are far and wide, that our newly designed website, which has been both functionally and aesthetically revamped, is now up and running.
The website can be found at: https://greekorthodox.org.au Its mission is to be an online portal of communication and a spiritually uplifting avenue of information sharing regarding the liturgical life of the local Church as well as its pastoral and other ministries. The visitor of the website can learn about the history and mission of our Holy Archdiocese; obtain useful information about the Holy Sacraments and Services; be theologically enriched; and can communicate with the parishes and sacred monasteries, the organisations and Orthodox Colleges operating under its umbrella throughout Australia.
Announcements on the new website are constantly being updated and information enriched in an effort to meet the modern needs of our Christ-loving people, and especially our young, who are turning to the internet more and more in their daily lives.
Moreover, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, in his Welcome Message to visitors of the website, recognises that the internet has evolved into a valuable tool that facilitates our daily lives, acting as an inexhaustible “reservoir” of knowledge and as a channel of direct information and communication, connecting people from every corner of the earth. However, he also notes the dangers and “pitfalls” that are often hidden in the “digital world”, especially when the internet is used recklessly, indiscriminately or with overwhelming frequency.
Within this context, our local Church is utilising modern technology to strengthen its voice and, as always, to proclaim the truth, offering to the Christ-loving flock a safe and reliable means of information and communication,” His Eminence points out in his message, while he concludes by inviting everyone: “Browse our website, to meet our worthy bishops and hardworking clergy who minister with love and self-sacrifice, here in the Antipodes, and to feel free to contact us, no matter how far away you are.”