Health And Work Policies

Work Health & Safety Policies

The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia (GOAA) is the preminent overarching governing body of all Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Churches and directly controlled organizations throughout Australia (The Church). The GOA acknowledges its religious, moral and legislative obligation to ensure the health & safety of all contributing stakeholders to The Church as a whole. Contributing stakeholders include all clergy, employees, volunteers, parishioners and visitors to GOA premises and events – to the extent which the GOA has influence.

The GOAA discharges its WHS obligations through the following means:

  • Development and implementation of a Work Health & Safety Management System – including Policies, Procedures, Forms etc
  • Provision of clear and documented responsibilities and accountabilities for all its clergy, employees and volunteers
  • Compliance with all relevant Australian Acts, Regulations and Codes of Practice
  • Utilization of documented Risk Management Processes and associated tools
  • Provision of instruction, training and consultation mechanisms for all GOA stakeholders to effectively implement and improve Health & Safety processes and to eliminate / minimize incidences and associated risks.
  • Develop Objectives and implement Strategies for the continuing improvement of the Health & Safety of all its stakeholders.

The GOAA also recognizes that Health & Safety is a joint responsibility between The Church and all that participate within its premises’ and activities. The GOA emphases that there is no task or activity that is important or urgent enough to unacceptably threaten the Health & Safety of ANY person.

Vulnerable Persons Protection Policy

The Greek Orthodox Archdioceses of Australia – the “Church” – is committed to the safety and welfare of all vulnerable persons (that includes children and young people) that participate in any Church activity or programme. The Church strives to develop and implement policies and procedures that uphold the sacredness of the human person and the dignity, integrity and self-worth of every vulnerable person as per the Orthodox faith. In this context, the Church will employ prevention strategies and fulfill its moral and legal obligations by:

  • Developing, implementing and periodically reviewing vulnerable person protection management processes that include but are not limited to Policies, Procedures, and Training Programmes etc.
  • Ensuring the Church adheres to all relevant Child Protection Legislation
  • Providing appropriate induction and training for all deemed clergy, employees and volunteers on Church and Legislative Child Protection requirements
  • Ensuring the implementation of Church and legislative screening processes
  • Investigating and reporting all suspected abuse allegations to the Police / appropriate authorities.

It should be noted that the Church’s commitment to the safety and welfare of all vulnerable people is absolute and makes it clear that there can never be any situation that would preclude or discourage the reporting of suspected criminal abuse of all vulnerable people. This includes all forms of abuse such as physical, sexual and emotional abuse.

His Eminence Archbishop Makarios

Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in Australia

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