On Sunday, 9 February, the Greek Orthodox Pastoral Health Care Network Australia in Sydney, commenced its year’s activities with the service of the Sacrament of Holy Unction which took place at the Cathedral of the Annunciation of Our Lady in Sydney, and was presided over by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia. His Eminence presided with six presbyters as per the Sacrament’s rubrics, while in attendance were other clergy and many faithful, many of which were members of the Pastoral Health Care Network Australia.
Everyone who attended the sacrament had the blessing to venerate a fragment of a relic from the sacred hand of Saint Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea, a renowned Hierarch, Physician-Surgeon and Confessor of the 20th century.
After the conclusion of the Sacrament of Holy Unction, Archbishop Makarios first thanked the coordinators of the Pastoral Health Care Network, including the National Coordinators Fr. George Liangas and Presbytera Catherine Constantinides. His Eminence remarked that this particular initiative of the Orthodox Church, whose activities began just a year ago, has already expanded throughout Australia, with the organisation of liturgical gatherings, seminars, workshops and webinars.
His Eminence also thanked the clergy and healthcare professionals who attended the Service. Recalling that the human person is a psychosomatic being, he pointed out that health is defined not only as the treatment of physical bodily illnesses, but also as the provision for holistic care, including spiritual well-being. “And such holistic healing can only be achieved through Jesus Christ,” he emphasised.
Finally, the Archbishop expressed his great optimism for the future course of the Greek Orthodox Pastoral Health Care Network Australia. He blessed all those who have dedicated themselves to the ministry of their neighbour and reminded that every person they encounter deserves their care, without conditions or discrimination.
The Greek Orthodox Pastoral Health Care Network Australia is an extension of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s Pastoral Health Care Network. This body brings together people that work in pastoral health care roles, including priests, presbyteres, chaplains, medical practitioners, allied health practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, etc. Its mission is to unite the spiritual, medical and psychological aspects of health care, in order to strengthen the care provided to patients and, therefore, contribute to the salvific work of the Church.