On Saturday, 1 October 2022, with great splendour the consecration of the Katholikon of the Holy Monastery of Saint John of the Mountain, in Perth, Western Australia, was conducted by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, and their Graces Bishop Emilianos of Meloa and Bishop Elpidios of Kyanea, Archiepiscopal Vicar of Perth.
At the end of the Holy Service of Consecration and the Divine Liturgy that followed, the Archbishop referred to the symbolism of the Consecration and called the congregation to renew the promise of dedication we have as Orthodox Christians to God. In particular, he emphasised during his sermon: “When we consecrate a church it is like perfomring a baptism. And this service of consecration therefore brings about a challenge for us, to be spiritually reborn and to renew our baptismal promise. That is, to remain faithful to the teachings and traditions of our Orthodox Church.”

Afterwards, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia emphasised that the consecration of the church is an invitation to live a spiritual life, that is, to live the life of the Church. “Entering the church does not mean only that I enter the building. It means mainly and primarily that I enter into the spirit and experience of the Church. And what does it mean that I live the experience of the Church? First, that I love Christ more than anything else in this world.
Second, that I have spiritual father. That I confess and am obedient. That I’m not autonomous. Thirdly, that I often participate in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Fourth, that I pray and, fifth and most important, that I do not accuse or judge others. All of us who go to Church find rest because we have a spiritual father, we partake in holy communion often, we confess, we sometimes say a prayer, but we forget that if we criticise, then we are not living spiritually. And, unfortunately, the people of the Church have this tendency to criticise”, he pointed out.

At the end of his homily, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia referred to all those who contributed to the establishment of the Holy Monastery, commemorating primarily the Archbishops Ezekiel and Stylianos of blessed memory, for their vision to establish this spiritual center in Western Australia and for their contribution to the completion of this purpose. Then, he thanked His Grace Bishop Emilianos of Meloa, The first abbot of the Monastery, his successor, Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne, Very Rev. Father Ieronymos, also Fr. Georgios Litas , who took care of the construction of the Holy Church, as well as the families of the major donors: Stavros and Evangelia Kakoulas, Michael and Despo Kakoulas, Irakli and Katina Kakoulas, Nicholas and Anastasia Kakoulas, George and Evangelia Kailis, Michael and Sophia Kailis and George and Athanasia Kailis.
Finally, His Eminence gave benevolent letters to the donors of the Monastery, as well as commemorative gifts from the consecration service. After the end of the consecration and the Divine Liturgy, a festive table was offered to all the pilgrims.