At a reception hosted by the Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Ms. Jane Lomax-Smith, in honour of the Orthodox Church in Australia for the 100th anniversary of its foundation, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia attended the event as the guest of honour, who is currently undertaking a pastoral visit to the “City of Churches”, in South Australia.
The reception was hosted at the Adelaide Town Hall on Monday evening, 24 June 2024, and among the other guests present were: Their Graces, Bishop Silouan of Sinope and Bishop Bartholomew of Charioupolis, the State Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Mr. Tom Koutsantonis, who represented the Premier of South Australia, Mr. Peter Malinauskas, other Ministers and Members of Parliament, Municipal Officials, the Ambassador of Greece to Australia His Excellency Mr. Stavros Venizelos, along with his wife Ms. Larissa Tikaidi, the Consul General of Greece in Adelaide Mr. Georgios Psiachas, clergy of the Holy Archdiocese, as well as representatives of Greek Orthodox Parishes, Greek Organisations and Associations, Institutions and Schools of the local Church.
Upon his arrival to the reception venue, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia received a warm welcome from the Lord Mayor Ms. Lomax-Smith, who spoke highly of his Pastorate, as well as the long-term contribution of the Orthodox Church in her city and in Australia more broadly. His Eminence reciprocated during the greeting he gave, expressing to the Lord Mayor of Adelaide the gratitude of the local Church for her honourable initiative. His Eminence also congratulated the Lord Mayor for the spirit of mutual respect and cooperation, which she has cultivated during her more than ten years in the office of Lord Mayor. In addition, he addressed the Greek-Australia State Minister Mr. Tom Koutsantonis, whom he thanked for the constant support he provides to the Holy Archdiocese, while he asked him to convey a similar greeting to the State Premier Mr. Malinauskas.
Then, making a brief review of the historical course of the Holy Archdiocese from its foundation to the present day, His Eminence mentioned the many difficulties and great challenges the Greek immigrants were faced with, as well as their deep faith, determination, toil and sacrificial attitude. “The grace of the Holy Spirit blessed their efforts and enabled our Church to grow and flourish,” he pointed out, listing the many fruits of the work that the Holy Archdiocese is currently carrying out through its many Organisations and blessed Foundations. Concluding, Archbishop Makarios issued a message of unity, stressing: “Only when we are united, in a spirit of love, can we prosper and positively influence those around us, bearing witness to Christ. Only when we are united can we shine as individuals and, collectively, as a community.”
This was followed by the address of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Mr. Tom Koutsantonis, who is of Greek heritage, who referred with words of praise to the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, on the fifth continent, emphasising how high he has managed to set the bar of the Holy Archdiocese and the Orthodox Church in the public life of Australians. He even publicly assured His Eminence that “on behalf of the local Premier and the Government, and from me personally, know that we are on your side and recognise your struggles for the unity of the Greeks, especially here in Adelaide”. “We are proud that you are our Archbishop,” he added.