There are countless reasons to admire the blessed country in which God has prescribed for us to live. A land that stretches out like a canvas, full of vibrant colours; a place where rare natural beauty coexists in remarkable harmony with wonderful people, but also a place where the people, despite coming from different cultures and backgrounds, have succeeded in coexisting harmoniously, walking together in a spirit of unity and mutual respect, and collaborating productively for the common good.
This open and democratic Australia—an Australia of respect and understanding, synthesis and cooperation—is rightly celebrated globally as a model nation in many fields.
Today offers us the opportunity to celebrate the achievements that have elevated this beautiful country to an enviable and distinguished position. It is a chance to recognise and appreciate the contributions of all communities, starting with the First Peoples and including our own Greek Diaspora. It is also a moment to face the injustices of the past, reflect on their causes, and understand how addressing them has played a catalytic role in shaping the modern Australian nation. Ultimately, it is an occasion to proclaim that exclusion and isolation never foster harmony, cohesion, or progress in a society.
As history has shown that nothing great is achieved without effort and struggle, nor are past achievements preserved without vigilance and adherence to principles and values, let us seize the opportunity that today offers us, so that we may delve into our shared accomplishments, renew our commitment to unity and cooperation, and draw inspiration for an even brighter future in this blessed country.
From the depths of my heart, I wish everyone a joyful Australia Day!