His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia offered His paternal wishes, Christmas gifts and at the same time his heartfelt and sincere thanks, to his colleagues, the members of the administrative staff of the Holy Archdiocese in Sydney.
The modest event, which took place in the office of the Archbishop, on Friday, 22 December 2023, on the occasion of the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays, was an opportunity for personal communication and exchange of thoughts, away from the stressful conditions created by the intense pace and workload of the rest of the working year.
His Eminence recognised the pivotal contribution of the administrative staff in promoting the overall work of the local Church, expressing his gratitude to all for their tireless efforts, with self-sacrificing spirit and genuine zeal.
Grateful thanks were also addressed to the staff by the Chancellor of the Holy Archdiocese, Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne Christophoros Krikelis, while Dr. Philip Kariatlis, Sub-Dean and Associate Professor of Saint Andrew’s Theological College, offered an address in response, expressing everyone’s love and respect for the person of Archbishop Makarios.
In addition, Dr. Kariatlis conveyed the joy and personal satisfaction of the staff for the continuous growth and progress of the local Church, and for its spiritual radiation at an international level under the creative and enlightened leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia.