The Medal of the Order of the Christ-Loving, the highest honour of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia, was awarded by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia to expatriate businessman and benefactor from Melbourne, Mr. Andreas Andrianopoulos.
Over many dedicated years, Mr. Andrianopoulos has developed and sustained many multifaceted community actions within the Greek Community and in the wider Australian society, while he has become a constant helper in the work of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia.
His conferment by the Archbishop of Australia took place on Monday, 10 June 2024, at the conclusion of the Hierarchical Feast Day Vespers held at the Monastery of Our Lady “Axion Esti” in Northcote, Victoria.
Archbishop Makarios of Australia spoke with warm words about the person and contribution of Mr. Andrianopoulos, whom he described as a “role model”. “For many years he has offered himself to the Church and to his fellow human-being, without ever asking for anything in return”, he underlined. “With a lot of humility, prudence, faith and hope in God”, he added, “he helps whenever he can and as much as he can, and sometimes more than what he can. That is why we owe you a great “thank you”!”.