On Monday, 24 February, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia conducted the Sanctification Service (Agiasmos) to mark the beginning of the new year of activities of the Youth Groups of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia in New South Wales (NSW GO Youth Fellowships). The service took place, in an atmosphere of spiritual joy and enthusiasm, in the function hall of the Parish of the Resurrection of Christ, in the suburb of Kogarah, Sydney, in the presence, among others, of His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis and His Grace Bishop Christodoulos of Magnesia, Chief Secretary of the Holy Eparchial Synod and Proistamenos of the Parish.
After the Sanctification Service, His Eminence addressed the 300 young men and women present, who had filled the hall, with paternal words of spiritual edification. Focusing first on the multiple challenges and opportunities that youth offers, as a special and distinct stage in the life of every person, he advised them not to be carried away by worldly concerns and distractions, but to ensure that their hearts remain attached to Christ. “In Him we find true meaning and purpose,” he emphasised, “and through His Church we receive spiritual nourishment and guidance, to walk in the path of virtue.”
The Archbishop then emphasised that “at the heart of our Orthodox faith lies our deep and unwavering connection to our roots.” “We are not just individuals wandering through life,” he pointed out, “but we are heirs to a great and sacred heritage, shaped by the struggles and successes of those who have lived before us.” “In our veins,” he continued, “flows the blood of heroes and Saints. Our ancestors endured hardships and made sacrifices so that we might be worthy to receive the true faith. This is why we must always remember who we are and where we come from. It is our responsibility to honour the heritage we have received, living with devotion and consistency as Orthodox Christians and keeping the flame of faith burning in our hearts.”
In conclusion, His Eminence distinguished fellowship and companionship as essential elements of life in Christ, since, as he explained, “as Orthodox Christians we do not walk in isolation.” “We are called to walk together,” he added, “to support one another and strengthen one another, with love.” He concluded by noting that “the friendships you create within youth groups, the bonds you forge and the experiences you share, are not simply social connections – they are sacred, because they help you remain steadfast in Christ.”