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Visit by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia to the Consulate General of Greece in Sydney

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On Thursday, 3 November 2022, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia visited the Consulate General of Greece in Sydney, responding to last month’s visit of the new Consul General, Mr. Yannis Mallikourtis, to the headquarters of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia.

His Eminence wished Mr. Mallikourtis good strength in the responsible tasks assigned to him, expressing the certainty that he will be worthy of the expectations of the Greek State and the Greek Community of New South Wales. Moreover, he appreciated that the Consul General, in the short time he is in Sydney, has shown intense activity and has managed to be considered already a member of the Greek Community, which will allow him to serve its needs in the most efficient way possible.

Mr. Mallikourtis welcomed the Archbishop with equally warm words, noting his dynamic presence at the helm of the local Church.

During the visit, matters of mutual interest were discussed and the parties’ common will for close cooperation between the Holy Archdiocese of Australia and the Consulate General of Greece in Sydney was reaffirmed.

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