The Holy Archdiocese of Australia and His Eminence Archbishop Makarios have expressed their satisfaction with the restoration of the truth undertaken by the website “Exapsalmos” and its proprietor Mr Sotirios Tzoumas, in seeking a public apology over the publication of a series of false and defamatory articles which, directly or indirectly, prejudiced our Church in Australia and His Eminence, our Archbishop.
These publications were based on unreliable information, which the website and its editor did not properly check, as was incumbent upon them, as confirmed by the text of the apology posted on the above website on 12th October 2022. In addition, the owner of the website admits that the expressions that were used were excessively sharp, while he recognises that Archbishop Makarios of Australia is widely accepted and is one of the most spiritually and theologically cultivated Hierarchs of our Orthodox Church who enjoys the respect and appreciation of both the Ecumenical Patriarch and his flock.
Following the above admissions, the Holy Archdiocese informs us that all legal actions of the offenses which had been committed by the publication in relation to the disputed false and slanderous publications have ceased, while His Eminence Archbishop Makarios has accepted the unequivocal apology, with the expectation and hope that God will enlighten the owner of the website, so that he can henceforth serve his journalistic function with due responsibility and integrity, which will prevent him from making mistakes, through which persons can be wronged, perceptions slandered, institutions vilified and, primarily, truth abused.
Given the opportunity, warm thanks are conveyed to the lawyers, Professor Lambros Kitsaras and Ms Ifigenia Papachristou, who took on the case and resolved the dispute out of court, without receiving any monetary compensation.