In the context of the multi-day pastoral visit of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia in Victoria, a Priestly Synaxis of clergy serving in the Archdiocesan Districts of Melbourne and Northcote wad held on Tuesday, August 9, along with the presence of Their Graces, Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis and Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta, Archiepiscopal Vicars of Melbourne and Northcote Archdiocesan Districtics respectively.
During the Priestly Synaxis, in addition to His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, His Grace Bishop Themistocles of Nicopolis, of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, spoke on the topic: “The ministry of the cleric in the Mission field”.
The experienced speaker, among other things, presented the missionary work being done in Sierra Leone, as well as the difficulties he faces there, due to the temperament of the people and the already existing old traditions.
At the same time, His Grace Bishop Themistocles added some thoughts and proposals for the missionary activity that the Holy Archdiocese of Australia could have in the fifth continent. A fruitful and constructive dialogue and exchange of views followed regarding the creation of missionary parishes, a vision which, already, the Archbishop of Australia has put into practice.
Afterwards, various administrative and practical issues were discussed. Among other things, Their Graces the Bishops of Melbourne and Northcote and the priests referred to the irregular and inappropriate behaviour of the priest Fr. Eleftherios Tatsis, who, although he had been invited to the Priestly Synaxis, did not attend nor did he justify, as he should have, his absence from his duty.
After a long discussion, the priests of the Melbourne and Northcote Districts unanimously declared that they disapprove and do not accept what Father Eleftherios preaches and does against the Church, the Bishops and other clergy, The Premier of Victoria and other political figures, and they requested of His Eminence to regulate the case of Father Eleftherios in accordance with the provisions of the Holy Canons, hoping first and foremost for the repentance and return of the said clergyman.
At the end of the Priestly Synaxis, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios thanked the speaker, His Grace Bishop Themistocles, and wished everyone a happy and blessed Dekapentavgoustos (blessed Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God on August 15.).