Pastoral Health Care Network Australia

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Join us on this journey enhancing connections and support for pastoral health care workers.

About us

The Greek Orthodox Pastoral Health Care Network Australia (PHCNA) branches from the Network of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for Pastoral Health Care (

These networks recognise that since apostolic times, caring for the sick is a major part of the Church’s mission. Dedicated clergy and lay people in pastoral positions have worked together to provide for the physical, psychological, and spiritual health of the ill. 

In Australia, the Pastoral Health Care Network, under the blessing and guidance of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, aims to bring together the work done here amongst people working in pastoral roles (priests, presbyteres, chaplains, medical professionals, allied health practitioners, nurses and others).

The Network’s main function is to bring together these people for the purpose of providing information, education, networking and support, sharing thoughts and experiences, with like-minded people and ultimately to enhance the work that we do within our everyday ministry.


Our vision is to bring together the spiritual, medical and psychological aspects of care to ultimately enhance the work we do within our every day ministry, contributing to the salvific work of the church.

Our aims are to enable those involved to:

  • Feel empowered to serve the pastoral needs of others with upmost respect, care and compassion;
  • Integrate the values of our faith in upholding the dignity of the human person;
  • Engage and collaborate in a network of like-minded practitioners; and
  • Contribute to the ongoing professional development and education in the area of pastoral health care.

Ultimately, we aim to help each other to be conduits of Divine Grace in providing healing to our neighbour.


The main focus is on enhancing connections with priests, presbyteres, chaplains, medical practitioners, nurses and allied health professionals, through:

  • Seminars
  • Webinars
  • Workshops
  • Information and education sessions
  • Networking

“Caring for the sick knows no geographic boundaries. It does not distinguish between race, people or language, but is directed without discrimination and without exception toward all human beings who are created in God’s image, as God Himself, the Physician of souls and bodies, did and does.”

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople

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