Removal of the Relics of Ignatius the God-bearer
Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 01/29/2025Saints and Feasts: Removal of the Relics of Ignatius the God-bearer; Ignatius and Nicandrus of
Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 01/29/2025Saints and Feasts: Removal of the Relics of Ignatius the God-bearer; Ignatius and Nicandrus of
Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 01/31/2025Saints and Feasts: Cyrus & John the Unmercenaries; Holy Women Martyrs Theodote, Theoktiste and Eudoxia;
Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 02/05/2025Saints and Feasts: Agatha the Martyr; Polyeuktos, Patriarch Of Constantinople; Antonios the New Martyr of
Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 02/07/2025Saints and Feasts: Parthenius, Bishop of Lampsacus; Luke of Mount Stirion; George the New Martyr
Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 02/19/2025Saints and Feasts: The Holy Apostles of the Seventy Philemon, Apphia, Archippus, and Onesimus; Philothei
Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 02/21/2025Saints and Feasts: Timothy the Righteous; John III, Patriarch of Constantinople; Eustathius, Bishop of Antioch;