Corrective Service Chaplaincy

Prison chaplains provide spiritual and pastoral care, and religious guidance to inmates in jails as well as staff of correctional centres. They assist people in crisis and minister to a broad range of pastoral concerns associated with the correctional environment. A chaplain is a listening, caring and familiar figure who gives comfort and encouragement.

They engage with offenders on the understanding that no person is intrinsically evil and that there is a depth and richness of divinely created humanity that can be called to the surface of the person’s life by a relationship that honours both creator and creation. Chaplains focus on the total person and contribute to the well-being, rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders. 


Fr. Jordan (Iordanis) Krikelis

Fr. Dimitrios Catrinei

Fr. Leonidas Ioannou


Very Rev. Diogenis Patsouris

Rev. Stavros Psarommatis

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