Media Releases

July 2, 2023

Archbishop Makarios of Australia: “Give bread to receive the Kingdom of God”

On Saturday, 1 July 2023, in Sydney, in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, the annual Fundraising

July 1, 2023

Metropolitan Anthony of Hierapolis and Archbishop Daniel of Pamphilon visit the Holy Archdiocese of Australia

On Friday, 30 June 2023, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia received with great joy the visit of  Metropolitan Anthony Webp To Jpg 2023 06 30t090105.892
June 30, 2023

Archbishop Makarios of Australia: “The people of Australia deserve a united and strong Church”

“I do not belong to myself, but to Christ and my flock. I am here to share with you all

June 26, 2023

Archbishop Makarios of Australia: Put on the glasses of the Resurrection so that you may see everything joyously and resurrected

His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia liturgised at the Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius, in the suburb of Preston

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June 24, 2023

Consecration of the Church of Saints Constantine and Helen, Melbourne, by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia

With ecclesiastical splendour and in an atmosphere of spiritual joy and deep emotion, the consecration of the Holy Church of

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June 23, 2023

The new Ambassador of Australia to Greece visited the Holy Archdiocese of Australia

On Thursday, 22 June 2023, the new Ambassador of Australia to Greece, Ms. Alison Duncan visited the headquarters of the

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June 18, 2023

Archbishop Makarios of Australia visits the Greek Orthodox Faithful of the regional city of Albury

The regional city of Albury, which is located on the border of the States of New South Wales and Victoria,

June 18, 2023

Historic visit of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia to the city of Wagga Wagga

With indescribable feelings of joy and emotion, the members of the Greek Orthodox community of the city of Wagga Wagga,

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June 11, 2023

Archbishop Makarios of Australia: “Patriarch Bartholomew is an example to follow for his sacrificial love”

“Orthodoxy is blessed to have such a charismatic person, to shine like a beacon for all to see and imitate

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