Media Releases Webp To Jpg 2023 08 17t093213.386
August 17, 2023

Archbishop Makarios of Australia liturgised at the Church of Panagia Soumela in Melbourne

At the Church of Panagia Soumela in the suburb of East Keilor, Melbourne, the only church in Australia dedicated to Webp To Jpg 2023 08 16t075922.536
August 16, 2023

Supplicatory Canon to the Theotokos officiated by the Archbishop of Australia at Saint John’s College, Melbourne

“You are the future of our Church and your devotion to our faith is a precious gift to the world,” .au 22 780x470 (1)
August 14, 2023

Archbishop Makarios to the new Presbyter: “Never think that you will manage the judgment of God”

“Never think that you will manage the judgment of God”, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia paternally advised Deacon Phillip Webp To Jpg 2023 08 14t220617.133
August 14, 2023

Historic visit of the Archbishop of Australia to the “city of gold”, Ballarat

On Saturday, 12 August 2023, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia visited the city of Ballarat, in Victoria, which is Webp To Jpg 2023 08 13t221752.168
August 13, 2023

For the first time an Archbishop visits the historic city of Bendigo, Australia

With wonderment and deep emotion, on Saturday, 12 August 2023, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia crossed through the threshold Webp To Jpg 2023 08 12t165803.576
August 12, 2023

Archbishop Makarios of Australia to the students of Oakleigh Grammar: “Be inspired by the life of the Virgin Mary”

“Be inspired by the life of the Virgin Mary, and allow Her example of faith and devotion to guide you

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August 7, 2023

Archbishop Makarios of Australia on the Feast of the Transfiguration: “Transformation is one thing and deformation is another”

The Great Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ the Saviour was celebrated with religious splendour in the Archdiocesan District of 33
July 30, 2023

Archbishop Makarios of Australia announced the launch of the Pan-Australian “Five Loaves” Initiative from Melbourne

His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, announced from Melbourne, where he is conducting a pastoral visit, the launch of the

July 25, 2023

Graduation ceremony for students of Saint Andrew’s Theological College in Sydney

On Sunday 23 July 2023, in an atmosphere of spiritual joy and emotion, the graduation ceremony for the students of

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