Dsc 1213 Min


Becoming Orthodox Christian

The Orthodox Christian Church has an ancient induction or learning process called ‘Catechesis’ in Greek or ‘Catechism’ in Latin. Together with lessons and study, the Church prays for such people in its liturgies.

People new to Orthodox Christianity are called ‘Catechumens’ (learners/listeners). People who qualify for Baptism or Chrism are called ‘Photizomenoi’ (enlightened/illumined). People who have been baptized and anointed are called “Pistoi’ (believers/faithful). 

The Process

The induction process in order to become an Orthodox Christian involves a few straight-forward steps.

1. Application

2. Course

3. Participation in a Parish Community

4. Formal ceremony of Baptism and/or Chrism.

Give six months time frame. Please do not rush to book any wedding or baptism ceremonies earlier than this.

Please click the link below to access our Catecho Program.


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