Sa 2 780x470

Archbishop Makarios of Australia officiated at the Feast of Pentecost in “The City of Churches”

Sa 2 780x470

The Great Despotic Feast of Pentecost was celebrated by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia in Adelaide, “The City of Churches”, where he is on a four-day pastoral visit.

On Sunday morning, June 4, His Eminence officiated at the Church of St Anthony in Prospect, where after the Divine Liturgy he presided over the Kneeling Vespers service. Also present in prayer were Their Graces, Bishop Silouan of Sinope and Evmenios of Kerasounta, as well as a large number of devout faithful, who flocked to the church to co-celebrate with their Shepherd and receive his blessing.

In his sermon, Archbishop Makarios presented and theologically analysed the events of the Feast of Pentecost. After describing the Holy Spirit’s visitation upon the Apostles, he characteristically noted that “now, the disciples experience the new life of the Kingdom as ‘rivers of living water’ flowing from their hearts.” “By God’s presence in their hearts”, he added, “they now fulfill their potential and become how He created them to be – in the divine image and likeness of God.”

His Eminence pointed out that this is the aim of all people – to become like Him in holiness and to share in His eternal life. And this can be fulfilled with the great Feast of Pentecost. “What is required of us”, he explained, “is to respond with faith, humility, love, and repentance as we receive the Spirit poured out on the whole world and on every generation.” “With the Holy Spirit present in our hearts, we are organically united as one”, he continued, “and just as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit share a common life of love, unity, and holiness, we also share a common life in Christ’s Body, the Church. As individuals, we have the responsibility to believe, repent, and obey the Lord as we participate in the life of the Church and live faithfully each day. As members of Christ’s Body, we are nurtured by worship, the sacraments, and spiritual instruction in our common life.”

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