“The spiritual life in different eras presents an alternation and a flexibility, depending on the salvific needs of the people and the relevant temporal specifics. In the past, extreme stress on the body was very normal and widespread […] Today, however, people need another form of necrosis. We need to get rid of modern stimuli, which are the speed of information, the elimination of distances, the noisy lifestyle and the stress of acquiring material goods. Ascesis, therefore, would be today the required rest and the discipline of calm and silence. So that we can, being in the heart of the noise of this world, hear the presence of the other “.
The above was emphasised by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, during his address before the ordination of Deacon Irenaeus Koikas as a Presbyter, which was performed at the celebrating Holy Trinity Church in Hobart, Tasmania, on Monday, The Feast Day of the Holy Spirit, June 13, 2022.
This Feast day was very joyful for the Greek Orthodox faithful of the capital of Tasmania, who had the opportunity to celebrate with its Shepherd the great feast of Orthodoxy, during which the third person of the Holy Trinity is honored. In addition to the ordination of Father Irenaerus, who will henceforth serve in the Parish of Saint George Hobart, during the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios elevated, the Priest of the Parish of The Holy Trinity, Father Dimitrios Katsis, to Confessor and tonsured Mr Stefanos Papastamatis a Rader of the Church.
The Archbishop of Australia, who officiated accompanied by their Graces, Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis and Bishop Bartholomew of Charioupolis, spoke appropriately of the feast of the day, while advising the new Priest, Father Irenarus to try to feel the presence of the other through his own silence and calm. He also asked him not to deviate from the Christ-centered priestly ministry, always keeping Christ as his model, for the great love with which he surrounded people.
Recognising in the young Elder that he has many ecclesiastical gifts and pastoral talents, he stressed, however, that he receives the gift of the priesthood in a very difficult time, in which our Church fights with great diligence, not only from the obvious enemies of our faith, but also from people who bear the name of Christian, but ignore the word of Christ and the spirit of the Gospel.
“Do not think, therefore, that your course will be ambiguous and tumultuous”, he pointed out and added: “You will face enemies of the Church from within and without, who will want to impose their own teaching, their “beliefs” and their approach to ecclesiastical issues “.
Finally, His Eminence urged the newly ordained not to be discouraged and to walk with confidence, faith, love and a lot of silence, while he stated with certainty that he will be accompanied by the prayers of the former Geron Archbishop of Crete, Ireneos, whose name he bears. “To be exemplified by the silence and patience of Archbishop Ireneos.
“His prayerful and peaceful existence should be a compass of your priestly ministry”, His Eminence pointed out to him. In closing, he reminded Father Irenaeus that he will have a supporter in his pastoral struggle, His Grace Bishop Bartholomew of Charioupolis, Archiepiscopal Vicar of Tasmania, as well as the local clergy and the faithful of the Parish of Saint George, Hobart, who with great joy and enthusiasm welcomed the announcement of the placement of their new priest, declaring that they were ready to surround him with love and trust.
It is noted that after the dismissal of the Divine Liturgy, the Archbishop of Australia participated together with the Bishops, the clergy and the faithful in the Greek Festival organised by the Parish of the Holy Trinity.