On Sunday, 21 July, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who was joined by His Grace Bishop Silouan of Adelaide, liturgised at the Church of Saint George the Trophy-Bearer, in the city of Port Pirie in South Australia. In a joyful and festive atmosphere, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Parish – Community of St. George, the first Greek Orthodox Church in the State of South Australia, was celebrated.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, everyone’s emotion was increased by the awarding, by Archbishop Makarios, of the Office of Archimandrite to Hieromonk Achilleios Karamanidis, who served the Parish for fifteen years. The life of the now retired clergyman is identified, as His Eminence noted in his short address, with the most recent history of the Greek Orthodox Church of Port Pirie. And this, because he had served in the Church of Saint George as a youth, as a chanter, as a council member and, finally, as its Parish Priest.
“He served the Church with a lot of love and self-sacrifice”, acknowledged the Archbishop and pointed out: “From the depths of our hearts we exclaimed “Worthy”, because this is truly a clergyman, to whom what the Gospel says perfectly fits: ” in whom there is no deceit.””. He is a blessed man, simple, humble and a cleric dedicated to the glory of God and the salvation of the people.”
Wishing Father Achilleios strength and health, His Eminence pointed out that in his person the local Church honours all the members of the Parish-Community of Saint George, recognising the efforts they put in and the adverse struggle they fight in a relatively isolated area. “I know that it is not easy, when someone is far from the centre, to be able to keep the faith, the language, the traditions and the customs”, observed His Eminence, hence he warmly congratulated the President Mr. Photios Seindanis, and the other members of the Council of the Parish – Community and all those who struggle to keep lit the candle of Orthodoxy and Hellenism in Port Pirie.
After the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, a festive meal was served with the participation of the entire congregation, during which the Archbishop had the opportunity to communicate personally with the members of the Parish-Community and listen to their thoughts and concerns.